Statement and Purpose
Cotillion/Beautillion Registration: GMWA Convention 2023
years, young ladies and young men have been presented to the GMWA community
through the Debutante Cotillion/Beautillion. This program promotes and
cultivates in the young ladies and young men elegance, scholarship and poise.
Since the Cotillion/Beautillion's inception the Gospel Music Workshop of America
has used the program as a means of awarding scholarships dollars to young people
for their scholastic achievement, community service; fundraising, and overall
participation in the program.
Lady Merdean Gales
Board Liaison Christian Debutants & Cotillion
Program Objectives of the Debutante/Beautillion Cotillion
To encourage the development of young ladies and young men into good
citizens by our example.
To promote high ideals and character building for young ladies and
young men during their formative years.
To help young ladies and young men acquire social graces and good
citizenship through group activity.
To promote understanding and friendship between the members of the
organization and others
To develop new friendships, provide volunteer service; engage in
structured leadership; etiquette; and educational workshops that
will enhance their educational and social skills.
To benefit young ladies and young men who have the dedication,
ambition, motivation, and drive to pursue fully to the end, a career
that will enable them to make a contribution within their community
Pre Deb - Must be 3 - 13 years of age
Deb/Beau - Must be 14-19 (not 20 before or during National Convention)
Ladies of Valor- Must be 20+ (past contestants/Debs)
Men of Valor - Must be 20+ (past contestants/Beaus)
All Deb/Beau contestant must be single, never divorced or had a marriage
annulled, nor have children. (Does not apply to Pre Deb or Ladies/Men of Valor)
All contestants should be in school, an active member of a church and of good
Christian character.
All contestants must be a resident of the state they are representing and a
member of their local GMWA Chapter.
Each contestant must be approved by their local chapter representative. Each
chapter must submit a registration fee of $100.00 for each contestant.
Registration can be paid early by check or money order. Only certified funds
will be accepted during the National Convention for registration. (Cash, Money
Order, Cashier Check)
There are no height or weight restrictions. However, contestants should be
youthful and in good health.
Debs & Beaus must furnish all garments required for the Christian Cotillion/Beautillion.
These garments must be of good Christian-Youthful taste. Garments that you are
uncertain about can be reviewed by the National committee. All participants must
have black pants and black long sleeve shirts that do not expose body parts for
opening number.
All contestants should attend all Cotillion/Beautillion rehearsals, but are
required to attend three in order to prepare for the National presentation.
Any Deb. needing an escort or Beau needing a Belle for the National Cotillion/Beautillion
must inform the National Committee by the second rehearsal. (Tuesday)
Escorts and Belles should attend the last rehearsal and the dress rehearsal.
There are no set amounts for cash prizes or gifts.
Judges for the National Cotillion/Beautillion will be selected from a wide
selection of Convention workers and staff, as well as non-Convention guests.
Judges need not be an expert in any of the given categories and may or may not
know a contestant. Each Judge must be approved by the National Committee. Any
other areas of concern or suggestions should be submitted to the National
National Cotillion/Beautillion Competition and Scoring
(100 Point System)
Contestants will introduce themselves by giving their name, city, community
activities, church, pastor’s name, church activities, school, and future plans.
Contestants will be judged on good speaking voice, clarity, and expression.
Contestants with highest points will be named Miss Personality / Mr.
Contestants must furnish their own props, (other than piano) if needed. Talent
limited to singing, interpretive/liturgical dance (no disco), drama, monologues,
and instrumentation. (Others in good Christian taste.) Talent must not exceed 3
minutes. Contestants judged on creativity. Contestant with the highest points
will be named Miss Talent / Mr. Talent.
A fresh, wholesome, and youthful appearance. Bow should show poise and grace.
Contestants will be judged on appearance and bow execution. Contestant with the
highest points will be named Miss Charm / Mr. Debonair
To express general knowledge and opinion, not to include exact figures or
ratios. Articulation and coherence are important. Contestant will be judged on
reaction under pressure. Contestant with the highest points will be named Miss
Expression / Mr. Expression.
Debs and Beaus reporting the highest amount of funds for the current session.
(Ads for souvenir journal, Tee-shirt sales, Ribbons, etc
The contestant receiving the highest total number of points (all categories
added – 100 possible points) will be crowned
GMWA – Miss Christian Debutante / Mr. Christian Beau.
*There will be second and first runner-up categories, as well.*
Special Awards
Participants will vote among themselves to select the female/male with
the warmest and friendliest attitude during the sessions.
Each contestant will receive a Certificate of Appreciation
Each category winner will receive a Trophy and Certificate.
GMWA-Miss Christian Debutante & Mr. Christian Beau will receive a Crown, Trophy,
Certificate, and a cash award.
Escorts and Belles will receive Certificates of Participation.
For more information, please
Merdean Fielding-Gales, National Chair, Cotillion/Beautillion
831 Coulange Court - St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 542-2447
Michelle L. Spence, National Coordinator
328 Dexter Street - Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 448-7040